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Can flooring be 100% waterproof?

Thursday, July 22, 2021 6:53 AM Waterproof Flooring

Waterproof flooring in a Logan, UT kitchen

The good news is that, yes, waterproof floors offer complete imperviousness to water, protecting you from all forms of water damage, even in your busiest areas. We want to tell you more about it and how you can benefit from these materials, so read along with us today.

Taking your waterproof floors to the next level

You can genuinely put your trust in waterproof floors because they are built to protect you in ways another flooring cannot. For instance, luxury vinyl gives you the option to choose a core made of wood or stone plastic composite or 100% vinyl, which alleviates all water damage concerns.

Tile flooring is manufactured from all-natural materials and fired in kilns, creating a dense, hard material that is a perfect addition to your dampest areas. You will never have to worry about water damage or mold and mildew growth with the proper sealant.

Some all-natural stone also offers waterproof protection, both naturally and from properly sealing your chosen products. These are a perfect addition for nearly any space, offering as much décor-matching elegance as peace of mind.

No matter which material you choose, you can find many additional benefits and advantages that cater to your specific preferences and requirements. Be sure to let us know what you are looking for, and we will make the best possible match for you.

Waterproof flooring options you can live with

Carpets of America provides a wealth of flooring options, all providing something for every homeowner. Our associates use their expertise and training to ensure your best flooring fit, no matter how large or small your task.

We are proud to serve residents from Logan, Cache County, Box Elder County, Rich County, and Franklin County, all from our showroom in North Logan, UT, and we would love to serve your needs as well. When you need excellent waterproof flooring options, we have everything you need here in our showroom.